Daiwa Saltiga 2020

Započeo glos, 08 Januar 2020, 06:30:29

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Stigla nova Saltiga. Ne šrafi se na poklopac, air rotor super flow su batalili, kao i proreze na špulni.
Ful su se uozbiljili.



Veličine kao kod Shimana, boje kao kod Shimano Stelle SW, materijal pogonskog sličan kao kod Shimana... :lol:

Edit: Izvinjavam se - za kolornu šemu su ipak ostali dužni LK Saltist-u.


Citat* (8 January 2019) Followup to the December 28th teaser below - Remember this announcement from June? CLICK . Well, the 2020 Saltiga is here, and will appear in Yokohama show this month then in ICAST in July. This time I have existing familiarity with the reel, so I can tell you it's revolutionary instead of evolutionary. New unprecedented concepts in sealing, materials, gearing power, drag, and corrosion resistance. Most significantly, the reel was extensively tested by people who actually have knowledge and can point issues and improvements. Numbers and basic information are being released, and as usual expect a review after thorough testing in real life, then finally the "What Reel 2020"  will be posted. Now you know why I postponed it time after time.

( Rotor je aluminijski, ne zajon. Zajonski su pucali ).



Pogonski je od aluminijuma umjesto bronze.
CitatC6191 bronze to G1 duraluminum

Citat* (9 January 2019) Must've received the same question a hundred times since I posted the January 8th news, so let me answer it here to reduce email volume; the spools of the 2020 Saltiga are NOT interchangeable with any previous generation, and no tweaks can make this happen; the spool hub is a completely new design for better sealing and easy shimming, and the clicker has been moved to the top of the spool for different acoustics. Also, what you see now is not the whole line-up. More size/speed combinations are planned for the future.


Citat: glos poslato 09 Januar 2020, 07:20:49
( Rotor je aluminijski, ne zajon. Zajonski su pucali ).

Pucali su aluminijski na staroj Saltigi Z zbog lose kocnice, na ovim novima nisu sigurno, pogotovo na ovoj iz 2015. i na Expeditionu iz 2014.


Kaže danny, neki morski profi pecaroš, da zna za par zajonskih, puknutih.

I farba je pucala na tim.

Inače ja sam ove vjesti na brzaka dojavio, ni ne čitajući članke, nego samo prve komentare. jer mi se ne da sve ono isčitavati, pri čemu je redovno sve bar 50 % jače i bolje, lakše, od prethodnog. Pa me to već smorilo.
Te stoga uletih sa nekim pogrešnim zaključcima, tipa nema više magseal i sl.
što je pikeman obrisao, i neka je.

No svakako je izuzetna, ova. Eno se i keltan javio, tamo. `Oće kaže i ovu da uzme.



Drag clicker u špulni što je po meni nekako elegantnije rešenje nego da je na njenoj osovini  :ok:




Ja ne odlucujem da li cu ici u bitku po tome kolika je sila koja mi preti, vec po tome koliku svetinju branim.


Citat* (19 March 2020) Surprise! So, almost a month ago Daiwa released this statement saying that the 2020 Saltiga was being delayed due to the outbreak. A couple of weeks ago a Japanese dealer friend told me he was quoted May/June release. Yet yesterday some shops in Japan started receiving their allocated reels, and anglers who booked early started picking them up CLICK.
These are actual production retail reels, not samples. I'm still waiting to hear what exactly happened, but early information indicate that they decided to change the suppliers of some small parts that originally came from China such as springs, spacers, and pins. Anyway, they're out now and hopefully they'll reach export markets on original schedule.



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